Ethiopa Gora Kone
Ethiopa Gora Kone 250g Whole Bean
Light Roast tastes best 2 weeks after roasting
West Arsi, Nansebo
Gora Kone Washing Station
Mixed Heirloom
1,900 - 2,050 MASL
Tasting Notes: Blueberry, citrus floral, lime, apricot and chamomile
In Ethiopia, names are often descriptive, and can tell you a lot about a place. The name Gora Kone is no exception. It breaks down into Gora, meaning “mountain”, and Kone, meaning “hump”. It describes the location perfectly – a mountain that rises like a cattle hump over the surrounding forests.
In the river valley below this mountain sits the Gora Kone washing station, and from the many small farms dotting the mountainsides come the cherries that eventually become Gora Kone coffee. Just as the hump provides some of the tastiest meat, the mountain gives the farmers some of the area’s best coffee.
Located in the Refisa kebele of Nensebo district in Ethiopia’s West Arsi zone (Oromia region), Gora Kone sits in an area just north of the Sidama province. Unsurprisingly, the flavor profile of Nensebo’s coffees is much like that of Sidamo coffee, and Gora Kone shares the same traits – complex, with floral notes, and sometimes a touch of citrus. Therefore, even though it is not from the Sidama region, Gora Kone coffee is classed as a Sidamo coffee.
Recommended Recipes:
Espresso: 20g: 60g 21-23 seconds, 94°C (1:3 ratio)
V60: 15g: 250g 3 pulses, 2:30-2:45 minutes, 96-98°C (1:16.5 ratio)
Batch Brew: 1:16 ratio, 94-96°C